Accessible Art

Caitlin is visually impaired and finds the lack of narration in various situations and the focus on print or subtitles on television programmes which she cannot see very difficult.

Caitlin explained that in France and other European countries people who are blind or vision impaired get free entry for themselves and an escort to art galleries. When visiting London she was impressed by the audio descriptions she could access in many of the galleries and tourist attractions.

Caitlin said “art is conceptual” and dreams of New Zealand galleries and museums having detailed audio guides readily available. She also believes that trained guides should be present on request to describe art to the blind. This would allow them to visit exhibitions independently.


Accessibility legislation could ensure that all forms of art and cultural experiences are offered in a variety of appropriate accessible formats. This would allow the blind and people with other disabilities to appreciate art galleries, museums, and other art events such as concerts by offering audio programmes and catalogues.


This is a story about the barriers many face. We're sharing it because we want a law that puts accessibility at the heart of an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.

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