Access Matters Aotearoa

Dear Friend,

My name is Amy. I’m a professional researcher, a writer, I use a wheelchair to get around. I need you to join me in calling for stronger rules that will allow me to work as the equal of the other professionals I have studied with.

I’ve joined with others, with varying disabilities, to write an open letter to leaders of all parliamentary parties. We are calling for the introduction of mandatory minimum accessibility standards that ensure organisations provide services and facilities that are fully inclusive and accessible. This will open the door to disabled Kiwis having the same opportunities and choices as everyone else.

Please, take two minutes to add your name to the Access Matters Open Letter now.

Right now, unequal access to workplaces is holding me, and thousands of others like me, back from gaining fulfilling employment and living financially independent lives.

An Open Letter may seem simple to you - but together our names tell a story.  They tell our politicians that New Zealanders believe in dignity and access for all.

For me, it is difficult to maintain a sense of professionalism when I have to enter a building via the freight elevator or I am holding work papers and presentations but am stuck outside a door I can’t open. It also limits the number of places I might work.

New Zealand is a signatory to most of the international statutes on the rights of individuals with a disability, but we don’t have strong, corresponding, domestic legislation.  

New legislation will provide a clear pathway to correct access issues. It will help to break down the barriers that prevent me, and thousands of people like me, from contributing to our society.

I am a professional and I want to participate in all levels of my society.  You can help by signing the Open Letter here.

If you want to share this by email please click here.

Thank you,

Amy Hogan

Writer, Researcher, Advocate

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