Associated New Zealand ME Society (ANZMES)
Associated New Zealand ME Society (ANZMES) has been serving New Zealanders with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 1980 through information dissemination, research promotion and funding, awareness raising, advocacy and lobbying, and by providing support and education to people with ME/CFS, their families, carers, and Medical Professionals as well as local/regional support groups throughout NZ who are affiliated with ANZMES.
Accessibility and inclusion are key issues for people living with chronic illness and disability. Barriers to access may not always be visually noticeable in people with hidden illnesses. Yet the desire to be part of the community is strong, and should be equitable. Many of our members deal with daily barriers so recognising these whilst aligning with organisations and campaigning for needs to be addressed, attitudes to change, and improvements made to enhance quality-of-life, is important to us and our community.
The ANZMES office based in Dunedin is already wheelchair accessible including parking outside the building, and toilets within. Client seating includes arms for support and propulsion back into a standing position.
The majority of our membership has light sensitivity and so lights can be switched off and curtains drawn when required. Our website is static to accommodate sensory issues as many of our membership cannot cope with movement or flickering imagery. We print booklets and information sheets for those unable to cope with computer screens or for those with cognitive difficulties as printed materials are easier to read in one’s own time.
Twitter: @anzmes
Facebook: @CfsAnzmesOfficial