Dear Supporter,
This last week has been a huge one in our quest for a truly accessible Aotearoa New Zealand where everyone can get into the workforce, have a good life, and fully take part in our society.
My name is Dianne Rogers and I have been coordinating our efforts since we began this campaign back in February. Since then our public and political support has been building. We have been marching the halls of Parliament meeting with leaders, while people like you have been talking to and emailing MP’s, signing our open letter, and sharing our stories.
Together, our efforts have us very close to achieving our goal of cross-party support for an Accessibility for New Zealanders Act.
We now have the support of the Labour, Green, and Maori parties, this is a major achievement, and we also know that the other parties are close. We think that with a bit more pressure at this crucial time they can be convinced to join us.
So here is the plan - we have pulled together the numbers to show how many people are likely to experience access issues in each electorate and we want you to share them with the National, New Zealand First, and Act Party candidates for each electorate so they can see this issue is deeply and widely felt.
We have made it easy, all you need to do is click this link, select an electorate, and then click to email the candidates and ask if their party will support an Accessibility for New Zealanders Act.
Click here to urge the remaining parties to support our call.
Thanks, we are so close to achieving a major milestone for this campaign and a massive step forward for disability rights.
Dianne Rogers
Project Manager