Employing People with Autism – Susan’s Story

I live with Asperger’s Syndrome and am unemployed. Even before I was diagnosed I found the possibility of an interview distressing and always failed to get the position.

An American firm has developed an alternative ‘suitability for employment’ option that involves candidates being part of a two week process that combines virtual interaction and an in-house ‘super week’ of team building and skills assessments. Individuals are acclimatised to the office environment and those who pass these tests receive job offers.

A video made by the National Autistic Society shows how difficult it is for people on the spectrum when faced with an interview. 


I would like an accessibility law to encourage employers to use these overseas examples and techniques to ensure that autistic people in New Zealand are able to obtain meaningful employment.


This is my access story, it is one of many. I'm sharing it because I want a law that puts accessibility at the heart of an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.

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