Radiology Apprehensions - Susan’s Story

I recently had to have an x-ray for a suspected broken wrist following a fall. I am vision impaired and use a guide dog for mobility.

Arriving at the radiology clinic the receptionist was quite off-hand when I explained I could not see to fill in the form which was apparently on the desk in front of me. She grew even more frustrated with me when she discovered the request for an x-ray form had not been signed by my Doctor.

When I was called no one explained where I was to go and when I asked where to put my dog was told “over there”. No description of the layout of the room was given and I was told to “sit in the chair” which I could barely see. The technician was rough and sharp with me, the whole experience was distressing and lacked professionalism. As I left a receipt was placed on the counter for me to collect, rather than being handed to me personally.


Accessibility legislation would ensure that all staff received disability awareness training; I think this is particularly essential in medical and associated practices.


This is my access story, it is one of many. I'm sharing it because I want a law that puts accessibility at the heart of an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.

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