How To Make Your Own #EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow Video

Help to make history! Make your voice part of the call for Accessibility Legislation, spread the message and let your local MP know that Access Matters to you.

You can make as many videos as you want to because we all know there are multiple barriers people face in our everyday lives.

Here is everything you need to know to make your own videos:

Step 1

Think about a barrier you face or have faced.

Step 2

Construct the story

You can tell your story in a way that suits you, but here is a suggested format you can follow as a starting point:

Hi/Kia ora my name is ______________________________

I have an access need because ________________________________

(Describe your access need)


Accessibility is important to me because _____________________________

(Explain how the current lack of accessibility impacts your life and the lives of other people you care about)


Create a sense of urgency

Enough is Enough because _______________________________

Here’s a few sentence starters to help:

  • Every day that goes by without Accessibility Legislation is another day people with access needs are prevented from reaching their full potential.
  • Aotearoa is one of the last OECD countries to have Access for All written into law.
  • The USA has had the Americans with Disability Act for over 30 years!
  • We can’t wait any longer because …

Step 3

Grab your phone

No fancy equipment is required. Your phone camera and a quiet place with good lighting is all you need.

Video record yourself in landscape, holding your phone sideways, not portrait. Maybe ask someone to help film you.

You don’t need to film everything in one go.

You can send us a few takes and we can edit them for you. We will also make the film black and white to demonstrate that without Accessibility Legislation we are living in the past.

Step 4

How and where to send your file:

You can use free file sharing platform WeTransfer to send your films to [email protected]


Send your video on the AccessForAllNZ facebook page via messenger to @AccessForAllNZ

Step 5

Tell us the name of your local MP

If you don’t know who your local MP is you can find out by entering your address at Vote.NZ

(The Vote.NZ website is a little clunky, so if it’s a struggle, let us know your address and we’ll find the name of your local MP for you.)

Step 6

Sit back and relax

We will:

  • Edit your video
  • Bookend it with audio-described logo graphics
  • Caption your video
  • Send you an unpublished version to approve

Step 7


We will schedule your post, tag your local MP and potentially other relevant Government Ministers.

We encourage you, your friends and whanau to share your video on social media and via email.

Check out the videos of Access Matters supporters who have already added their voice to make history in Aotearoa New Zealand!