
Quotes & Quotations!

That Blind Woman, Julie Woods, has searched far and locally to collect 20 disability-related quotations, from many great thinkers on the subject ... including her good self!

Add your favourite disability-related quote in the Comments & Reactions section below, or at our Share a Story page, and we will forward it on to Julie.


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Powerchair Access - Camille's Story

Ever since becoming a powerchair user, in my last year of primary school, I have experienced countless barriers to everyday activities and events. I remember when my family and I went to a function for my Dad's work at a local softball club ...

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Julie Woods: Looking Back on 25 Years Blind

The Access Matters campaign team is a big fan of that blind woman, Julie Woods. And we are very grateful for her tireless support for the cause, to see accessibility legislation implemented in Aotearoa New Zealand. Here is her latest story.

Today I am 25 years blind! Yes, it's 25 years ago today I sat in the waiting room of the eye department at Dunedin Public Hospital, about to be told ...

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Enough is Enough: Jason

Jason talks about living - and working - with an invisible disability.

#EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow #AccessMattersNZ


Enough is Enough: Jasmine

Jasmine talks about inaccessible bus numbers.

#EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow #AccessMattersNZ


Enough is Enough: Tamati

Tamati talks about access issues caused by construction works downtown.

#EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow #AccessMattersNZ


Enough is Enough: Natasha

Natasha talks about the difficulties of navigating murals painted on footpaths and roads.

#EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow #AccessMattersNZ


Enough is Enough: Joseph

Joseph talks about interior spaces being narrow and hard to navigate with a cane.

#EnoughIsEnough #AccessLawNow #AccessMattersNZ


An Ally’s Perspective: How I learnt the Government’s proposed Accessibility Legislation could be better … much better

Looking at the Government’s recently proposed accessibility legislation from an able-bodied perspective feels - at first - like a step in the right direction. Sure, maybe it doesn’t cover everything but progress takes time, right?

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Enough is Enough: Tarewa