Earning a living and having a good life are things we expect are achievable for all New Zealanders, yet the one in four Kiwis with a disability still face barriers in their day-to-day lives. Anyone with any impairment to their mobility; their hearing or vision; their mental health; the aged and the young; a pregnant woman; and parents with small children; all have accessibility needs.
How many people do you think face access barriers in your area?
The Access Alliance is advocating for a comprehensive Accessibility Act that legislates minimum enforceable standards as part of their Access Matters Campaign. We now have the support of the Labour, Green, New Zealand First, and Maori parties. We know that the other parties are listening, and with a bit more pressure at this crucial time, we think we can achieve cross-party support.
We have pulled together the numbers to show how many people are likely to experience access issues in every electorate and we want you to share it with the local National and Act Party candidates so they can see that accessibility is deeply and widely felt.
Just select an electorate, then click to email the candidates and ask if their party will an Accessibility for New Zealanders Act.
Then please share this with your friends. The more pressure we can add, the greater chance we have of getting these other parties to support our call for a truly accessible New Zealand.