Advocates Meet Julie Anne Genter, Green MP

Access Matters advocates Chris Orr, who is blind, and Ite Lemalu, who has low vision, recently met with Green MP and Minister Hon Julie Anne Genter via Zoom to talk about how accessibility legislation will improve access to information during a crisis.

People who are blind, and those with other access needs, struggled to access information during the early stages of the COVID-19 response.

Mr Orr believes accessibility legislation will guide government information and media teams to consider accessible communications from the outset.

"It will become second nature, just like wearing a mask on the train has become for Auckland commuters."

Minister Genter thanked Mr Orr and Mr Lemalu for their advocacy and said that accessibility needs to be built in to our government processes. She said the Greens are very supportive of doing everything we can to ensure services and infrastructure are accessible for all New Zealanders.

Julie Anne Genter on screen during a zoom meeting

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