Disability Minister has 'heard concerns' about accessibility bill
1News reports:
Giant sunflowers made of balloons were all over Parliament's forecourt today, as the disabled community fought to highlight how invisible many of them feel in New Zealand society.
Sunflowers are a globally-recognised symbol for hidden disabilities, which the community want to see recognised by new accessibility legislation.
But a petition received by Green MP Jan Logie has close to 15,000 signatures, collectively calling for the bill to be strengthened.
Access Matters' lead campaigner Juliana Carvalho said: "It needs to have enforceable standards, very clear direction for businesses, organisations, for how to make things accessible.
"We don't need to reinvent the wheel, cause we're so behind the rest of the world."
"Our community is getting stronger and we will be coming back here as many times as we need, to claim our rights," Carvalho said.
"Enough of being second class citizens."
Around 60 disabled New Zealanders turned up to support that message in person this afternoon.
"We need all the parties to agree to expanding the bill, to me it's just a no brainer, we'll all benefit from having an accessible society," Logie said.
She called the current legislation "a piece of window dressing".
The Accessibility for New Zealander's bill is currently going through the select committee process, following a period of consultation.
Oral submissions will soon wrap up.
We need Enforceable Standards in the Bill to ensure Access for All. Start the action, stop the chatter, come on New Zealand, Access Matters!
Ngā mihi nui
Juliana Carvalho
Lead Campaigner
Access Matters Aotearoa