A message from the Access Alliance
We have come a long way and it has been a real team effort. At times it’s been tough, and with your support, we have reached a major milestone in our vision of creating a more accessible Aotearoa New Zealand through the introduction of accessibility legislation.
On 28 July, the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee agreed to push ahead with drafting an accessibility legislative framework from now until May next year.
The Access Alliance now has the support of the five parliamentary parties: Labour, National, Green, NZ First and ACT parties.
Chrissie Cowan, Chief Executive of Kāpō Māori Aotearoa and Chair of the Access Alliance, said:
“We are making history in having the unanimous support of all parliamentary parties to a new legislative framework to accelerate accessibility.”
The Government demonstrated its commitment to being inclusive and accessible by releasing the Cabinet paper and Minute of Decision in alternative formats. You can download these documents in Easy Read, Large Print, Audio and NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) video on the Ministry of Social Development website at:
Our collective call for making access matter has been heard loud and clear. We couldn’t have done it without you. We are not there yet, but thanks to your efforts, our vision for a fairer and more accessible Aotearoa New Zealand is closer to becoming a reality!
With the election campaign in full swing, let's make sure that the people who want to represent you understand what accessibility means to you and to all New Zealanders.
Write to or visit your MP and thank them for their party’s support to create a fairer more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.
Please see the resource section on our website, which has plenty of easy-to-use templates and information to help you write to or visit your MP. If you would like one-on-one assistance, the campaign team are only an email away.
Thank you for your continued support.
Me Mahi tahi tatou – Let’s all work together.
Nāku noa, nā
The Access Alliance.