Pacific Women's Watch, in conjunction with Disabled's Women Forum, are hosting their 2020 Conference this November.
Creating a level playing field for ALL Women in Aotearoa
For the first time, women with and without disabilities come together to explore the experiences and issues faced by disabled women in Aotearoa New Zealand. This conference is an opportunity for disabled women to share their stories and non-disabled people to listen and stand in solidarity.
Pacific Women's Watch New Zealand (PWW-NZ) is a non-governmental organisation that has been in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) since 2010.
PWW-NZ's 2020 conference will be held online via Zoom, 1:00-6:00pm 28 November.
Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Disability Issues, will open the event alongside Denise Ewe, President of PWW-NZ.
The main panel will be facilitated by Jan Logie MP. Panel members include:
- Paula Tesoriero, Disability Rights Commissioner
- Victoria Manning, Deaf Aotearoa, General Manager
- Ronelle Baker, Census Accessibility at Stats NZ, Senior Advisor
- Martine Abel-Williamson, disability advocate, accessibility consultant and policy advisor
Issues to be addressed by the panel include:
- Interim CEDAW report, recommendation 26a
- Family/Whanau Violence Act 2018 and the role of the "Language of Violence" in service provision for women with disabilities
- Intersection of the CRPD and CEDAW and why women with disabilities need both
- Accessibility legislation
The 'Speak Out' session will be facilitated by Prudence Walker, Chief Executive Disabled People Assembly New Zealand. Additional speakers include Dr Rogena Sterling from Intersex Awareness NZ, Tamara Grant from Xabilities, Allyson Hamblett and Fala Haulangi.
Click on this link to register for the conference:
Link to conference program PDF
Link to conference program Word doc