In our ‘new normal’ businesses are quickly spinning up new websites and apps to sell their products and inform their customers of changes in our Covid-19 world. At the same time more and more people are experiencing accessibility issues, being blocked from buying and ordering goods and services.
Often the people most affected by poor accessibility are those who could most benefit from these online services. For example, it is often more convenient for older adults, people with disabilities and people with access needs to shop online. But if the websites aren't accessible then there are huge barriers.
Lockdown and the restrictions of social distancing have meant that more businesses are going online, quickly, and often without ensuring that their solutions are accessible. These businesses are not only excluding people who have access needs, they are also missing out on the many other benefits of accessibility.
Thursday 21 May 2020 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The purpose of GAAD is to get people talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different access needs. As the name suggests it is a global movement to raise awareness.
This year our discussion will focus on how businesses need to consider digital accessibility. Not only is ensuring everyone has an equitable experience the right thing to do to, but there are multiple other business benefits when considering accessibility from the beginning.
InternetNZ, Access Advisors and the Access Alliance have come together to host a 90-minute online event designed to start a discussion around the 'Post Lockdown Digital Accessibility Imperative'. The panel will be facilitated by Andrew Cushen from InternetNZ and will include representatives from the business, disability, access legislation and digital accessibility consultancy communities.
Join the discussion about why Digital Access is vital for businesses in our ‘new normal’ on Global Accessibility Awareness Day Thursday 21 May 2020. Sign up for the event and submit a question for the panel.