#AccessDeniedDiaries by Hope

I encountered an access barrier when I tried to watch a documentary in my high school history class. The documentary was not captioned properly - it had very inaccurate autogenerated captions - and so I could not understand it as I am Deaf. I didn't do very well on the assessment.

I experience a lack of access to media every single day because New Zealand does not legally require media to be captioned.

I find this very frustrating and disheartening, and it makes it harder for me to receive an education.

In response I created a petition to change captioning laws in New Zealand.

I want accessibility legislation to make it a legal requirement for media producers and broadcasters to add captions and audio descriptions to all media.



This is a story about the barriers many face. We're sharing it because we want a law that puts accessibility at the heart of an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.

What's your story?

Share Your Story #MyAccessStory