First 100 Days New Government 2020, Template Letter to Local MP, HTML

<<MP Name>>

<<MP’s Political Party>> MP

Parliament Buildings

Private Bag 18041

Wellington 6160

New Zealand




By email only:


Dear <<Mr / Ms / Dr / Hon / Rt Hon>> <<MP Name>>

I would like to congratulate you on your successful election as the Member of Parliament for <<Area>>. My name is <<Your Name>> and I am a constituent in your electorate. I am also a person who supports accessibility legislation because <<state disability/access need/reason for your support of accessibility legislation>>.

I endorse the Access Alliance and their call to put a law at the heart of a fairer and more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. During the 2020 election campaign, I was delighted to read that the Labour Party had promised, in its disability issues policy, to “introduce an Accessibility for New Zealanders Act to create a fairer and more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand”.

I am writing to you now to secure your personal commitment to prioritising accessibility legislation in the first 100 days of this new Government.

The Accessibility for New Zealanders Act will lift economic and social outcomes for everyone by removing barriers for people with access needs including people with disabilities, seniors, Māori, migrants, people with English as a second language and those with temporary injuries.

Accessibility legislation will guide organisations to remove the systemic barriers that prevent one in four Kiwis from participating in everyday life. It will set clear standards, expectations and timeframes, making Aotearoa New Zealand more inclusive and accessible for all.

I urge you to take my request to your colleagues and honour the commitment all current parties in parliament have made, to all Kiwi voters, to pass accessibility legislation in this term of Parliament.

I would like to meet with you to discuss the impact of accessibility barriers on your constituents, and how accessibility legislation will make it possible to include all New Zealanders in rebuilding our economy, studying for the future and contributing to our communities.

Please advise a selection of meeting times that will suit you.

Thank you for prioritising this important issue.

Warmest regards



<<Your Signature>>

<<Your Name>>

<<Contact Details including Phone, Email, Residential Address>>